My turkey was resting on the counter at room temperature, my homemade stock on the burner cooking away, my onions, carrots and celery sautéing on the stove top when I decided to pre-heat the oven. I knew I had to re-arrange the racks inside so I went to open the door to do so when it happened. No, the door didn’t fall off and no it wasn’t a problem of the oven turning on but what did happen stopped me in my tracks. I pulled the door handle and boom, it wouldn’t open. I pulled again with more force thinking it was hung up on something but no, it had actually locked itself.
What happened you asked? Well, the hook that locks the door when you turn on the self cleaning function decided to arm itself and was trying to deny me my succulent bird. Why? Why, I asked myself of all days would this appliance have an attitude of “I’ll show you!” and put me into a direct point of panic.
First, I pulled harder thinking I could beat the door at its own game but it wouldn’t give. Then I calmed down and thought for a while. Looking through all my tools to see what I could do and finally I found something that could help. Just a long piece of metal that could help me release the hook. It worked and I was totally relieved. I’m not sure why it happened but it did but at least I was able to fix it.
That wasn’t the only thing, since I was now behind schedule I was probably rushing more than I needed to and in doing so realized I forgot to add the apples to my stuffing. Luckily I was able to fix that to before cooking the stuffing while the bird was in the oven.
With all that fun happening during the day at least dinner was a success. I hope your big day was a success too and your recipes went off with a bang! I just purchased a new digital camera so come back regularly for new recipes with some nice pic’s too but I was able to take this pic of the turkey.
Please leave a comment if you happened to try any of the recipes to let me know how they came out or to just leave a comment on what you would like to see on this site.
The Home Chef